How to Manage Anger Using an Anger Thermometer
Anger is a powerful emotion that can be overwhelming. If a person doesn't manage anger, it causes devastation in relationships. Anger is often how we respond to situations of distress. We feel angry when: we feel overwhelmed we’re under pressure our boundaries are violated we feel slighted and hurt our core beliefs and valued opinions are challenged These moments of distress and crisis can be springboards for our mental, emotional, and relational maturity, but only if we handle our anger appropriately. When a person is in distress, he or she can turn toward harmful behaviors to cope. The result is often that these harmful behaviors damage relationships and the overall well-being of the person. When someone says or does something that angers you, the appropriate response is this: pay attention to what has happened register your own emotional response process that response respond in a constructive way to maintain or reassert your boundaries Do this all without hurting or denigrating the other person. This isn’t how it normally goes down, because when anger washes over you, the response is often instinctive and not always pleasant for the person on the receiving end. One way to begin dealing constructively with anger, whether you’re trying to help your young child, teen, or another adult, is to use an anger thermometer. What is an anger thermometer? An anger thermometer is a tool that you can use to explore and help manage anger. A regular thermometer is used to measure and record the temperature. An anger thermometer serves a similar function, just regarding anger. It helps a person articulate how intensely he or she is feeling about his or her anger. It can also indicate what an appropriate response to the situation might be. It’s flexible enough to be useful for people of [...]