Overcoming the Anxiety That Fuels Over-explaining, Overcommitting, and Overextending
Busy seems to be the buzzword in our contemporary society, describing the lives of people from various walks of life. No matter where we are or what our lives may consist of, our world seems to demand more of our internal and external resources. Yet, when those assets are not sufficiently replenished, we become severely challenged and overburdened by the weight of anxiety and a life that can feel unpredictable, sometimes unsafe, and often unsustainable. In these situations, anxiety stirs, and we find ourselves over-explaining, overcommitted, and overextended. What was once full and overflowing is dangerously low, leaving us to subsist on yesteryear’s abundance, sometimes unaware of how we plummeted there and how our Father desires to meet us there. Inarguably, our lives may be full. Many of us juggle commitments that keep our schedules brimming with activity on both weekdays and weekends. If we’re honest, we may notice the traces of anxiety showing itself in our minds and moods. Increased agitation, irritability, worry, and mental and emotional fatigue will tell on the imbalanced state of our lives, sending us over the edge of what we feel we can reasonably manage. This invariably seeps into our comprehensive well-being, affecting not only our physical bodies, but also our mental and emotional states, interpersonal relationships, and other areas. This leaves us with anxiety that sends us overboard. Over-explaining Anxiety presents in our lives in subtle ways that inform how we approach our daily activities. We may not even realize how it has infiltrated through the colloquial phrases that we use, dismissing the value of rest. Anxiety’s reach isn’t personal, but the culture of “busy” has elevated our sense of worth and importance, yet not always with what truly matters to us. It causes us to over-explain, often preoccupied with what other [...]