
Overcoming the Anxiety That Fuels Over-explaining, Overcommitting, and Overextending

2024-10-30T11:19:20+00:00April 30th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Busy seems to be the buzzword in our contemporary society, describing the lives of people from various walks of life. No matter where we are or what our lives may consist of, our world seems to demand more of our internal and external resources. Yet, when those assets are not sufficiently replenished, we become severely challenged and overburdened by the weight of anxiety and a life that can feel unpredictable, sometimes unsafe, and often unsustainable. In these situations, anxiety stirs, and we find ourselves over-explaining, overcommitted, and overextended. What was once full and overflowing is dangerously low, leaving us to subsist on yesteryear’s abundance, sometimes unaware of how we plummeted there and how our Father desires to meet us there. Inarguably, our lives may be full. Many of us juggle commitments that keep our schedules brimming with activity on both weekdays and weekends. If we’re honest, we may notice the traces of anxiety showing itself in our minds and moods. Increased agitation, irritability, worry, and mental and emotional fatigue will tell on the imbalanced state of our lives, sending us over the edge of what we feel we can reasonably manage. This invariably seeps into our comprehensive well-being, affecting not only our physical bodies, but also our mental and emotional states, interpersonal relationships, and other areas. This leaves us with anxiety that sends us overboard. Over-explaining Anxiety presents in our lives in subtle ways that inform how we approach our daily activities. We may not even realize how it has infiltrated through the colloquial phrases that we use, dismissing the value of rest. Anxiety’s reach isn’t personal, but the culture of “busy” has elevated our sense of worth and importance, yet not always with what truly matters to us. It causes us to over-explain, often preoccupied with what other [...]

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Finding Peace in God: Scripture About Worry

2024-10-30T11:20:00+00:00April 28th, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Why do we worry? We typically don’t find ourselves feeling anxious or worrying that things will go well. We worry when we are confronted by a challenging situation whose outcome is either uncertain or likely unpleasant, which is why we need to read Scripture about worry. Being out of control leaves us grasping for what we want. We are eager to find some way to ensure that the outcome of a date, job interview, tax assessment, operation, or financial decision works out in our favor. Even when we can’t control the situation through any action we can take, we do what feels natural – worry and ruminate. The Bible and worry. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Bible has a lot to say about worry. For one thing, the people we encounter in the pages of Scripture were just as eager as we are to have healthy, productive lives, and for loved ones to be happy and safe. The Bible addresses the many ways people sought to deal with the stresses and uncertainties of life, and among them is worrying. But why is worry something that we shouldn’t do in our lives? Consider one of the many passages in Scripture about worry. Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the [...]

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Common Signs of Anxiety: Can You Relate?

2024-10-30T11:20:46+00:00August 3rd, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Do you ever wonder whether the way you worry is normal? Do you question whether you are worrying or whether you might have signs of anxiety? Perhaps your worrying could lead to anxiety. The good news is that everyone worries. You worry about health, money, career, and family. Worry is most commonly a temporary response of fear to these thoughts. But when you find the worry lingers for a long time and you start feeling overwhelmed with fear, it could be one of the signs of anxiety. Common Signs of Anxiety to Watch For Anxiety is when the worry doesn’t stop, and it starts affecting your everyday life. Panic sets in and you struggle to control the thoughts and your body’s response to these thoughts. These signs of anxiety start to interfere with job performance, friendships, relationships, schoolwork, and your overall health. The following signs of anxiety are indicators of whether you are experiencing anxiety and how it could affect you. Nervousness, restlessness, and tension To worry makes you nervous, but to be consistently anxious creates muscle tension in your body. Your body is hardened, tensed, and restless. You are constantly fidgeting and uncomfortable. You struggle to relax even when you set the mood for a relaxing evening. You try to rest while on a holiday or a weekend break, but you struggle to let go of the tension in your body. What you don’t realize is that the body gets tenser and tenser while we have these anxious thoughts. When you become aware of your anxious thoughts, you find that your shoulders are pulled up close to your ears. You must intentionally lower your shoulders for your body to stop this tension. Before you know it, you realize that your body has tensed up again. Due to the [...]

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